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Here are the ways you can help the Manheim Central Band Boosters raise money to help with the operating costs and our Marching Band Trips and experiences.

R & K Subs
Pick up for R & K Sub orders will be on Wednesday October 12, 2022 from 4-6 PM at the Farm Show Building.

Mr. Sticky's Sticky Buns
We are taking orders for Mr. Sticky's Sticky Buns. There are extra forms in the band room or you can download a copy here.
Orders are due October 20 (I know the form says the 18th. sorry!) and the Pick up will be on November 2 at 3:15 at the Farm Show Building.
Park City Diner & Knight & Day Diner Sharing Our Success
You can have 10% of your check donated to the Manheim Central Band Boosters just by asking your server to do it when you go to Park City Diner in Lancaster or Knight and Day Diner in Lititz. The good news is there is no slip or card or ID needed. You just eat and ask for the donation to be made. More information can be found by clicking here.

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