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Helping Hands

Volunteer Teams


Are you gifted with a lens? We need your help capturing those precious moments from performances. 

Pit Crew

If logistics and equipment are your thing, we have LOTS of equipment to move!

French Fries

Behind the stand or inside, we need lots of Friday night help serving up the fries!

Food Donation

If time is hard to come by, please donate some food items for Friday and Saturday meals.

Pit Crew

Ready to move some equipment? Lots of logistics are involved with moving these kids around. No experience necessary. Join us!

Blanket Brigade

First in, last out, be a part of the team that puts blankets down on the bleachers to protect the uniforms.

Fund Raising

Help with the Chicken BBQ and Sub Sale Distribution

Spirit Team

Gather with other parents to build snack bags and make special moments for Competition days.

Uniform Team

Help fit  the band members at band camp and assist with uniforms for performances.

Band Meal Team

Set up equipment, serve buffet style and clean up for Friday and competition meals during the season.

Water Brigade

These kids are thirsty! Help move coolers and hand out water for performances.

Medical Team

Nurses and Docs for first aid at performances.. Must be licensed to distribute medicine.

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